2024 Morel Certifications

Certification in the Michigan Wild-foraged MOREL Mushroom program begins in February 2024 and is required for persons who intend on selling only Morels. This Workshop and Exam will be completely virtual via Zoom.

If you are interested in obtaining certification in the full Wild-foraged Mushroom Program, please visit the Workshops page for more information.

Morel certificate holders are eligible to attain the full Wild-foraged Mushroom Certification at a pro-rated price but must attend an in-person workshop and achieve  an in-person exam score of 80% or greater.

Morel-only Certification Workshop registration is closed. If you are interested in Morel-only Certification, please add your name and contact information to the Update and Notification List; an email will be sent out when a new workshop is scheduled.

May is Morel Month, Publication E2755